The kotlin pair will return with any number of values and also it accepts more than one return value at a time. It is very common to use case and where we want to return with two pair values can be of the method with either of the same and different data types. This kotlin pair container to ease passing around the tuple of two objects and also this object provides the sensible implementation of equals() method and it returns around the tuple of two objects. And also each function has default limits for accessing the values at any time and is there needed to return with more than the value of the different datatype values. It also return some values after the computation hence we are adding the default functions like add(), run(), etc. The best thing of the kotlin functions is that we can able to call it any number of times and utilised with the object instance.

Generally, kotlin language will call default functions to perform the user operations in the specific task based on the requirement. This can be achieved used only through the Pair hence it is the generic class that can be store with two values of same and different datatype it cannot be a relationship between the two values. The above codes are the basic syntax for implementing the kotlin pair type and it is the simple datatype to store the two separate values in a single instance.

Val (vars1, vars2) = Pair(value1, value2) Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others fun main()